WFIC - World Federation of Investors Corporation


The WFI Executive Committee met at WFI offices in Gent, Belgium, on March 30-31, 2015. Seven Executive Committee members were joined by seven guests. Individual directors gave reports on their country and on issues relating to individual shareholders. Past Chairman Lars-Erik Forsgärdh suggested that the criteria for membership be clarified. This was also the intention of the chairman, especially now that some members do not represent associations but are participating in their own capacity, as lawyers, professors or other categories of interested parties (subsequent to the meeting a task force was formed to review the Bylaws).

It was announced that Henning Wagener would shortly leave his duties with AEMEC. The Chairman wished to keep Henning as an active member of the Executive Committee of WFI and valued his guidance. Hachem Boulos moved that Henning Wegener be named as Honorary Member of the WFI Executive Committee. The vote was unanimous approval.

Wilfried Hübscher presented his paper on "Latest Data Regarding Germany." As of March the unemployment rate was reduced to 6.9% and the inflation rate was -0.3%. There is growing concern for the protection of investors against high risk and fraudulent investments in the "grey" capital market. There will be a new CEO for the German Stock Exchange, Carsten Kengeter, ex Goldman Sachs and UBS.

Guests Elizabéta Lindström and Patrick Thomenius of the Swedish Young Investors Association. The young Swedish investors followed legal actions in their own market and abroad, and had good contacts with Aktiespararna. Patrick Thomenius explained how they had managed to establish a relationship with other young (younger than 28) investors associations in Norway, (supported by major listed companies), Iceland (300 members!), and Denmark. Everywhere the focus was on education of young investors, starting at school, also at basics. They had organized trips to London and Iceland and were not yet legally incorporated. They intended to have 8 to 10 young investors associations within a year's time and had asked to meet with WFI to better understand our organizational structure and seek our advice. The Executive Committee members applauded their efforts and offered its counsel going forward.

Henning suggested that for future board meetings that members would be given a list of topics of interest for their country reports. With this as a template it should be possible to focus reports to the essentials of real interest to investors. With this as a template it should be possible to focus reports to the essentials of real interest to investors. EU directives should be part of this list in view of their influence on regulations elsewhere in the world. The chairman invited Wilfried and Henning to draft such a list.

Guest Paolo Brambilla proposed the timetable for the Milan Board (annual) meeting (September 30 - October 3, 2015) and lead a discussion on the agenda and topics of interest. Frank Fumio Kaneko summarized his outline for the investor education session in Milan.

The Chairman announced that the next Executive Committee would be in June 2016 in Lebanon (Beirut, June 15-17, 2016) on invitation of our member Hachem Boulos. On that occasion the cooperation with IFLN, the shareholders' rights directive, crowd funding, the role of stock exchanges, and educational projects would be discussed.