WFIC - World Federation of Investors Corporation

WFI Programs

To accomplish its mission, WFI provides a variety of programs to its members. These include:

Organizing a bi-annual convention hosted by a member country. Convention topics include investment education and investment information about the host country.

Assisting organizations in non-member countries with the formation of investor federations and membership in WFI.

Offering seminars on investment education and formation of investment clubs.

Establishing rules for the fair treatment of investors worldwide (WFI Investors Rights).

WFI Investors Rights

In 1980 the WFI Investors Rights was adopted in Paris.

The following seven points outline the principles under which WFI desires to achieve its goal — peace and prosperity for all — through investment education.

  1. Our social structure is based on cooperation between capital and labor, therefore, rights of private ownership and labor should be guaranteed.
  2. Individually owned enterprises in free market imply carrying risks. Risk-bearing capital is an indispensable factor to progress, just as labor, creativity, inventiveness, and social attitude. The possibility of participating in the risk-bearing capital of the enterprise should be optimally guaranteed, avoiding any discrimination between the different categories of shareholders.
  3. Personal share-ownership should be stimulated by means of information and education. The consideration is that as many people as possible should be both risk-bearing and profit-sharing within the given social structure and organization of the society. The rights of an investor as an individual, who invests his money directly or indirectly in securities, should be safeguarded.
  4. Public authorities should aim at such policy that insurers fair compensation for the risk of investing in share-capital. This can be achieved by insuring that shareholders have a meaningful representation with management in creating a real shareholders ruling.
  5. Freedom of international transfer of capital should be promoted. Discrimination against foreign investors should be avoided.
  6. Stock Exchange authorities should ensure investors' confidence by encouraging adequate publicity concerning company transactions, financial performance, and possible conflicts.
  7. In summary, investment in securities as a means to wealth should be promoted by the government through legal measures. The acquisition of securities by citizens even with a small capital input will enable them to participate even within the profit and growth of a business and thereby in the progress of the nation, as well as in the building of an enlightened world economy.